Saturday, September 12, 2015

Simple ,Easy Dinner Party Ideas

easy dinner ideas

Okay, let me qualify all this. In case you are entertaining, Um, eight friends? Perhaps a couple more? This will work for you. In case you are going to entertain a immense (OMG) number, as in cooking yourself, you will require either immense, immense, self confidence, help, or tranquilisers. I trust that you, my Dear Reader, are definitely in the former section. I get palpitations even thinking about the latter.

Dinner parties can be looked at in ways at least. There is the 'nose up in the air' version, which does not apply to this article, or the smart, entertaining you! Yep I did say that. Oh no! (from the rafters! NO,NO I cannot do that!). Hey, relax. This is about being smart, you require not be a comic, an entertainer or even a nice cook! Now I do know you are interested! Let's have a glance at how this can work.

easy dinner ideas

What do people require when they go to a dinner party? Well, it depends on the situation. If the Boss from work is coming round it is probably (or hopefully) because they or they is looking for someone to promote. What does the Boss require? They or They is probably going to make use of food as a background for conversation. I ought to point out that the target of this 'conversation' ought to be the helpful, not the Chef de Jour.

If the main guests are your in-laws I think that you ought to be the preparing the food. All will become clear. Wait and see . Here they go.

Teppanyaki! What? All right, All right! Lots of do know what this is but some don't! They will grill meat, inside and in your public's eye. They are not going to serve this meat ourselves, our friends and possibly our Boss will serve themselves! How amazing is this? We have provided vegetables and salad (the simple part). Our guests will pick their own salad and more importantly will pick their own meat from our Teppanyaki grill when they think it is right for them. The cook cannot be accused of serving under or over cooked meat - the 'customer' selected their own! You do get the idea I hope.

easy dinner ideas

First things first. They are going to serve the vegetables in a tiny bain marie to keep them warm, so they can be prepared well before the 'event'. The salad is going to be extensive. Much of this can be later turned in to soup so it won't go to waste. Now so far, they have a impressive salad and vegetables for those that require them. What now?

As you can see, the idea is simple . They are going to supply a first rate salad and cooked vegetables. Oh yeah, and meat that they put on a grill and the customer picks when they think it is prepared for them. Will you make a fool of yourself? Absolutely not. Your electric Teppanyaki grill is in your kitchen or dining room and your guests decided when their food was prepared! Your Boss is impressed, and nice or bad, your in-laws think you are smart. They live to fight another day!

So, what is Teppanyaki? The short version is this. In Japanese 'Teppan' means iron plate and 'Yaki' means broiling, grilling and pan frying. This is more ammunition for your dinner party when people ask, and they will.

easy dinner ideas


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